Tuesday, March 14, 2023

kubernetes kubectl alias

alias k='kubectl'

alias kg='kubectl get'

alias kd='kubectl describe'

alias kdp='kubectl describe pod'

alias kgnd='kubectl get no'

alias kgp='kubectl get po'

alias kgpa='kubectl get po -A'

alias kaf='kubectl apply -f '

alias kctxdev='kubectl config use-context k8s-dev-cluster-context'

alias kctxprod='kubectl config use-context k8s-prod-cluster-context'

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Oracle OIM Server and Design Console

OIM Server and Design consoles:

ConsolesAccess URLs
Checking the Oracle Identity Manager Server Web Console URL http://<host>:14000/oim
Checking the Oracle Identity Manager Server Scheduler Engine URL http://<host>:14000/SchedulerService-web
Checking the OIM Diagnostic Dashboard utility URL http://v:14000/XIMDD
Checking the OIM Weblogic Admin Console URL http://<host>:7001/console
Checking the OIM EM console URL http://<host>:7001/em
Checking the SOA Infrastructure URL http://<host>:8001/soa-infra/
Checking the BPEL Worklist application URL http://<host>:8001/integration/worklistapp